Friday, March 13, 2015

Test Run

Friday, February 27, 2015

R3 Midterm

Friday, January 9, 2015

Je Suis Charlie

Mom and Dad,
 There's been a shooting here in Paris, as I'm sure you've heard. The shooting took place at the Charlie Hebdo magazine headquarters in reaction to the cartoon image of Muhammad they had published. Muslim extremists broke into the building during a meeting where all of the magazine staff was present. Twelve members of the staff were killed with many more injured. Before fleeing the scene the attackers gunned down a cop, then sped away in a stolen car. I'm safe and in my apartment watching the news on T.V. I don't think that anybody working on the Charlie Hebdo magazine deserved to be killed.The people working on the magazine were allowed to share their opinion on religion, but they needed to realize when they had taken the joke too far. The magazine had received multiple death threats and had been firebombed in 2006 after publishing a cartoon of Muhammad. The threats had gotten so bad that the editor was under police protection. The shooters reacted in a horribly violent way that nobody on the magazine deserved to face because they published a cartoon. I can understand why they were angry at the cartoon for insulting their religion but reacting with violence not what needed to be done. I understand that as a satire magazine, part of the job is to get a rise out of people and in publishing the cartoon they were doing their job. However, the whole situation could've been handled better by both ends.